Pier was born in 1957 in the village of Torreano near Cividale in Northern Italy, surrounded by the art and antiquities of ancient Rome. Now he lives and works in Udine. Since he was a young boy, painting has been a passion and he drew inspiration from the tiles and frescos which were a part of his daily life.
In 1976 Pier earned a "Diploma di Maestro in Arte Applicata" (Certificate of Master in Applied Arts). While developing his unique medium and style he worked as Creative Director for his advertising agency, using his talented eye for developing and directing television commercials. Pier also worked with the Italian public broadcasting network (RAI) on a number of animation projects.
Pier developed a passion for speleology (exploring caves), and while pursuing this interest he traveled to some wild regions in Central and South America between 1992 and 1995. His experiences in these environs created a deep change in his view towards life. It was in 1995 that Pier decided it was time to devote his full time and considerable talents to painting.
Pier’s work can now be seen in galleries and publications throughout Europe and Asia. His North American debut at the Galleria di Sorrento in Las Vegas has been eagerly anticipated by collectors who have seen his art in Japanese and Parisian galleries where he is avidly collected. In 1997, Pier was nominated to become a member of the "World Council Of Arts" and that same year his work was featured on the cover of the prestigious Japanese publication "Art Pictorial".